The changing leaves and cooler temperatures can only mean one thing: it’s autumn in Connecticut. As you dig your Halloween decorations out of storage and stock up on all the pumpkin spice you can get your hands on, there are a few smart financial moves you can make to help you round out 2018. Consider these 4 year end financial tips for fall in Connecticut.
Stock up on big ticket summer items.
Fall is finally here after a summer of some of the strangest weather Connecticut has seen in years. If you feel like you missed out on summer sun, you can bask in the glow of discounted summer items like patio furniture, lawnmowers and grills. Some experts also recommend shopping for items whose product lines get a refresh this time of year. These may include last year’s models of washers and dryers, ovens and dishwashers. Check out the full list of potential fall deals here.
Winterize your home.
If you live anywhere in New England, you know that winters are anything but predictable. Balmy days can give way to blinding snow in no time at all, so getting ready for winter can be a challenge. One of the best year end financial tips is to winterize your home ahead of time.
If you have any questions about your roof, fireplace, furnace or other element in your home, have it looked at now. Finding someone to inspect and make repairs to your roof mid-winter can be difficult, especially if everyone else in your neighborhood is doing the same. You may also want to consider setting a date in your calendar to clear your gutters toward the end of fall. Buildup of leaves and debris can create a much bigger problem when snow and ice begin to melt.
Also take a look around your home to find any areas missing insulation, especially in your attic. Your heating bill can quickly rise along with the warmth escaping from your home, so take care of this issue now to help you maintain your budget and your comfort.
Be sure to winterize your car, too.
Your vehicles take a beating all winter long, causing corrosion and general wear and tear. While the salt and sand on the roads and the changing weather conditions outside are out of your control, there are measures you can take now to help protect your cars, your budget and yourself from harm.
Make sure your vehicles are fully stocked with coolant, oil and wiper fluid to get you through the winter months. These fluids will help your cars run properly and maintain visibility. Your tires need attention as well. Consider investing in all-weather or snow tires, or at least confer with your car’s manual to determine the proper air pressure. Not only can this help you navigate winter roads, it can also help you maximize your vehicle’s efficiency.
Prepare your emergency fund.
Once you have put together some emergency kits for your home, office and car complete with water, an extra sweater and a flashlight, consider getting your emergency rainy day fund ready, too. Putting some cash aside for unexpected home or car repairs this winter can give you some peace of mind. A rainy day fund can also give you and your family the chance to squeeze in a surprise ski trip or purchase the sled you’ve always wanted.
As you follow these year end financial tips, be sure to take some time to enjoy all that fall has to offer in New England. Ready to get your rainy day fund started? Schedule your complimentary goal planning session today.