How do I use a Zelle® QR code with a small business account?
Zelle® QR code provides peace of mind knowing you can send and receive money, without typing an email address or U.S. mobile number.
To locate your Zelle® QR code, log into USB Business Banking/Plus or USB Business Mobile, and navigate to “...
I already use Zelle® through my personal bank account. How do I enroll to use Zelle® with my small business account?
If you already use Zelle® for personal use, you must use a different email address or U.S. mobile number than the one you used to enroll your personal bank account. For example, would be connected to your personal checking ac...
How do I tell my customers that they can pay me with Zelle®?
There are a few ways you can encourage your customers to pay you with Zelle®. Tell customers verbally that you accept payments with Zelle®, and that they can easily send you money right from their banking app.
Include it on an invoice. We ...
Are there any differences in the experience between using Zelle® with my personal bank account versus my small business account?
Whether you use Zelle® with a small business account or a consumer account, Zelle® uses the same network to initiate payments to small businesses and consumers. Consumers who are already enrolled with Zelle® through their banking app don’t ...
Keeping your money and information safe is a top priority for Union Savings Bank. When you use Zelle® within our mobile app or online banking, your information is protected with the same technology we use to keep your Union Savings Bank acc...
No, Zelle® payments cannot be reversed.
You can only cancel a payment if the small business or consumer you sent money to hasn’t yet enrolled with Zelle®. To check whether the payment is still pending because the recipient hasn’t yet enroll...
Are there any fees to use Zelle® with a small business account at Union Savings Bank?
Union Savings Bank does not charge any fees to receive or request Zelle® payments; however, a flat fee of $10 per month will be charged to send one or more payments. No fee will be charged in a month when no payment is sent. Your mobile car...
How do I know if my small business is eligible to use Zelle®?
You can use Zelle® if you have an eligible checking account type, including Basic Business, Business Relationship, Sole Proprietor, Sole Proprietor with Interest, and Non-Profit Interest Checking. If you do not see your eligible business ac...
How do I use Zelle® with a small business account?
Eligible small business accounts can send, receive, or request money with Zelle®. To get started, log into the USB Business Online Banking/Plus and select “Money Movement” then “Zelle®”. Or log into USB Business Mobile and select “More” the...
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